"დღეს" თქვენზე უარია

"Today" is denied to you

Usually, my friends and I spend every Friday and Saturday in the city. Such evenings have become a tradition for many years. By default, the evening starts at the bar. In a bar, rather in someone's house that has been turned into a bar (this is one of my favorite parts of the evening) and continues also in an urban and already partially cultured club that used to be a silk, textile, or something factory.

After a huge turnout and left to rely on face cameras to decide if you meet, if not something, the ever-changing criteria, we were refused entry to the club "today". But it's hard to give up when your friends are waiting inside and won't start "fun" without you. Perhaps this would be enough motivation for all urbanites, and I decided to try, but this time in a different way. Using my Berlin club experience, I slung my little bag over my boyfriend's shoulder, and I put on his cap and told him very convincingly, “I know what I'm doing! Follow me." When we passed through the thinned line at the beginning and got to the moment when you have to be sentenced from the camera, suddenly: “Come in. Next.” Of course, as a rule, neither of us noticed the surprise.

Well, that day I was once again convinced that one small, seemingly insignificant, but actually very important detail and an urban style accessory can completely transform a person, change their character and how others will see you.. even a face with constantly changing criteria.

So follow us! We know what we are doing!!

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